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You can feed a family today.

Text FEED to 2662 to donate $3.


Have you got livestock to donate?
We can accept cattle, sheep and deer.


If you can’t donate livestock,
you can still join our mission.


Got milk to donate?
Donate milk through Fonterra or Miraka

Mince and milk meals delivered
Food banks and community organisations nationwide
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We believe Silver Fern Farms can create positive change for our environment, our people, and our communities. We care deeply about doing the right thing and doing it well, striving every day to be the world’s most successful and sustainable grass-fed red meat company. With 14 processing sites across the country we are perfectly placed to help Meat the Need take donations all the way through the supply chain – from the farmer to the recipient. All New Zealanders should be able to eat red meat, and we’re proud to support Meat the Need in making that a reality.


We are a New Zealand Co-operative made up of everyday good people who work together to do amazing things with dairy, we are passionate about supporting our communities and its through our philosophy of Doing Good Together that we intend to care for people, the environment and our co-op for generations. We are humbled to partner with Feed Out by Putting good quality nutrition into the hands of those who need it the most from our farming families to New Zealand communities, we intend to make a positive difference.


Miraka is New Zealand’s, and the world’s, first dairy processing company to use renewable geothermal energy, providing one of the lowest manufacturing carbon emissions footprints that there is globally. Established in 2010 by a small group of Māori trusts, and founded upon a te ao Māori worldview, Kaitiakitanga – guardianship of our natural environment – is one of our core values. Miraka is New Zealand’s second-largest, Māori-owned global export company, exporting $300 million worth of premium dairy products to customers around the world. We’re proud to partner with Feed Out, who supply our dairy farmer’s milk donations to food banks and community organisations throughout Aotearoa New Zealand.”

A Peek into our process


Talk to farmers

Farmers are generous and caring community members, and they let us know they want to donate cash, milk or livestock to feed NZ families.

Collect the Animal/Milk

  1. Together Meat The Need and Silver Fern Farms arrange the collection and processing of the donated livestock from the farmer. For milk donations, this is arranged with our partners Fonterra and Miraka.

Link the need

Meat The Need staff speak with community organisations who feed New Zealanders in need and we arrange the safe and regular delivery of our donated meat or milk to them.

Deliver the goods

Through our distribution network, we deliver the donated meals to key locations around NZ that can send out smaller quantities when our community organisations need it. We monitor to make sure our deliveries are timely and respond to changing demand from our food banks and organisations.

Share the results

Communicate with our partners, sponsors and donors the impact that our charity is making as regularly as we are able, via our website and email newsletter, as well as our social media platforms. We want to ensure that each milk or meat meal donated reaches the families in need.


It’s thanks to all these fantastic businesses that we have been able to feed families across New Zealand.